About Us


ekomersial.com is web hosting provider based in Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia. ekomersial.com was founded in July 7th 2012. ekomersial.com has grown from a small web hosting provider into professional web hosting provider with world class quality of services with 99.9% uptime and excellent support.

ekomersial.com is a domain name registrar. ekomersial.com provider various TLDs domain name registration ranging from: .com, .net, .org, .co.id, .id, and many more. Bundle with web hosting ekomersial.com is ready to launch your website on internet.

ekomersial.com also provide VPS and dedicated server. ekomersial.com is happy to share success with IT techies to startup a web hosting company through reseller hosting. Reseller can even start as freelancer and later grow into full time web hosting company. Have families, friends, or business partners need web hosting? Refer to us, ekomersial.com will give you big affiliate commission.

Domain name and web hosting make your domain email up. Need website? Seek no further. ekomersial.com offer professional web design. Sophisticated design and modern look. Mobile friendly that scale on any devices. ekomersial.com is specialized on ecommerce. Expand your business on internet with online shop.

ekomersial.com is complete web hosting solution. Help you from scratch. Register domain name, create web hosting account, build a website with package bundle. Until your website is up on internet and domain emails are ready to use.


Turn everyplace online.


  • Reliable web hosting with 99.9% uptime.
  • Fast perfomance web hosting.
  • Excelent customer service.