Unit Price

Price per unit calculator.

Unit Price is a price per unit calculator. Unit Price tells you the cost per piece, gram, milliliter, or other unit of weight or volume of a product. Unit Price can also calculate cost per month for subscription based service. Unit Price shows price per unit for each item. Unit Price can lead shoppers to save around 17-18% when they are educated on how to use it.

Unit price is also a valuation method for buyers who purchase in bulk. Buyer seeks to purchase 10000 widgets. Seller One offers 1000 widgets packaged together for $5000. Seller Two offers 5000 widgets packaged together for $25000. Seller Three offers 500 widgets packaged together for $2000. All three sellers can offer a total of 10000 widgets to Buyer. Seller One offers widgets at a unit price of $5. Seller Two offers widgets at a unit price of $5. Seller Three offers widgets at a unit price of $4. Buyer uses unit price to value the packages offered by each of the three sellers and finds that Seller Three offers widgets at the best value, the best price.